Package 'galts'

Title: Genetic Algorithms and C-Steps Based LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) Estimation
Description: Includes the ga.lts() function that estimates LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) parameters using genetic algorithms and C-steps. ga.lts() constructs a genetic algorithm to form a basic subset and iterates C-steps as defined in Rousseeuw and van-Driessen (2006) to calculate the cost value of the LTS criterion. OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) regression is known to be sensitive to outliers. A single outlying observation can change the values of estimated parameters. LTS is a resistant estimator even the number of outliers is up to half of the data. This package is for estimating the LTS parameters with lower bias and variance in a reasonable time. Version >=1.3 includes the function medmad for fast outlier detection in linear regression.
Authors: Mehmet Hakan Satman
Maintainer: Mehmet Hakan Satman <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 1.3.2
Built: 2025-02-07 04:57:09 UTC

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Genetic algorithms and C-steps based LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) estimation


This package includes the ga.lts function that estimates LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) parameters using genetic algorithms and C-steps. ga.lts() constructs a genetic algorithm to form a basic subset and iterates C-steps as defined in Rousseeuw and van-Driessen (2006) to calculate the cost value of the LTS criterion. OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) regression is known to be sensitive to outliers. A single outlying observation can change the values of estimated parameters. LTS is a resistant estimator even the number of outliers is up to half of the data. This package is for estimating the LTS parameters with lower bias and variance in a reasonable time.


Mehmet Hakan Satman

Maintainer: Mehmet Hakan Satman <[email protected]>


Rousseeuw, P. J., van Driessen, K. (2006). Computing LTS Regression for Large Data Sets ,Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 12, 29-45.

Satman, M.,H. (2012). A Genetic Algorithm Based Modification on the LTS Algorithm for Large Data Sets, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Vol 41, Issue 5, pp. 644-652.


# Data generating process
x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- rnorm(100)
e <- rnorm(100)

# Setting betas to 5
y <- 5 + 5 * x1 + 5 * x2 + e

# Contaminate the data on the dimension of X's randomly
# This is the maximum contamination rate that the LTS can cope with.
outlyings <- sample(1:100, 48)
x1[outlyings] <- 10
x2[outlyings] <- 10

# Estimating LTS with ga (Default optimization method)
lts <- ga.lts(y ~ x1 + x2, popsize = 40, iters = 2, lower = -20, upper = 20)

#Estimating LTS with differential evolution
lts <- ga.lts(y ~ x1 + x2, popsize = 40, iters = 2, lower = -20, upper = 20, method = "de")

Function for estimating the LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) regression parameters using genetic algorithms.


This function estimates the LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) regression parameters using genetic algorithms. LTS is a robust regression estimator with high breakdown property. LTS is a resistant estimator even the number of outliers is up to half of the data. However, calculating LTS estimator is computaionally expensive. ga.lts() uses evolutionary algorithms (genetic algorithms by default, optionally differential evolution) to construct a basic subset and iterates C-steps as defined in Rousseeuw and van-Driessen (2006). Despite lower time efficiency of the ga.lts(), estimations have lower mean square errors, as a result of lower biases and lower variances.


ga.lts(formula, h = NULL, iters = 2, popsize = 50, lower, upper, 
		csteps = 2, method = "ga", verbose = FALSE)



Dependent ~ Independents style formula as same in lm() and glm().


User defined variable to define the majority of the data. Default is floor(n/2)+floor((p+1)/2) where n is the number of observations and p is the number of parameters to estimate


Number of generations of the evolutionary algorithm. This variable can be kept larger if the precision is more important than the computation time. Default is 2.


Number of candidates (chromosomes) in the population of evolutionary algorithm. Default is 50.


Lower bound for the initial estimates of the parameters.


Upper bound for the initial estimates of the parameters.


Number of C-steps to be performed for each candidate solution. Default is 2.


A string variable for the evolutionary algorithm. 'ga' for the genetic algorithms and 'de' for the differential evolution. Default is 'ga'


A boolean variable for printing the current status of algorithms to screen. Default is FALSE.



A vector of estimated parameters


LTS criterion value for the reported coefficients


Name of the method used in the optimization process


Mehmet Hakan Satman


Rousseeuw, P. J., van Driessen, K. (2006). Computing LTS Regression for Large Data Sets ,Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 12, 29-45.

Satman, M.,H. (2012). A Genetic Algorithm Based Modification on the LTS Algorithm for Large Data Sets, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Vol 41, Issue 5, pp. 644-652.


# Data generating process
x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- rnorm(100)
e <- rnorm(100)

# Setting betas to 5
y <- 5 + 5 * x1 + 5 * x2 + e

# Contaminate the data on the dimension of X's randomly
# This is the maximum contamination rate that the LTS can cope with.
outlyings <- sample(1:100, 48)
x1[outlyings] <- 10
x2[outlyings] <- 10

# Estimating LTS with ga (Default optimization method)
lts <- ga.lts(y ~ x1 + x2, popsize = 40, iters = 2, lower = -20, upper = 20)

# Estimating LTS with differential evolution
lts <- ga.lts(y ~ x1 + x2, popsize = 40, iters = 2, lower = -20, upper = 20, method = "de")

Function for detecting regression outliers


A method for detecting regression outliers.


medmad(formula, h=NULL, csteps=20)



Dependent ~ Independents style formula as same in lm() and glm().


User defined variable to define the majority of the data. Default is floor(n/2)+floor((p+1)/2) where n is the number of observations and p is the number of parameters to estimate


Number of C-steps to be performed for each candidate solution. Default is 2.



A vector of estimated parameters


LTS criterion value for the reported coefficients


Calculated residuals from the final estimate of model


Mehmet Hakan Satman


n <- 100
	x1 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	x2 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	x3 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	x4 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	e <- rnorm(n)
	x <- cbind(1, x1, x2, x3, x4)
	p <- 5
	betas <- rep(5,p)
	c <- 0.20
	h <- n - n*c
	y <- 5 + 5*x1 + 5*x2 + 5*x3 + 5*x4 + e
	x1[(h + 1):n] <- rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)
	x2[(h + 1):n] <- rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)
	x3[(h + 1):n] <- rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)
	x4[(h + 1):n] <- rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)

	mm <- medmad(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, csteps = 10)

Function for robust covariance matrix estimation.


Function for robust covariance matrix estimation.





Row matrix of data



Covariance matrix


Mehmet Hakan Satman


n <- 100
	c <- 0.20
	h <- n - n*c
	x1 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	x2 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	x3 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	x4 <- rnorm(n,0,10)
	x1[(h + 1):n]<-rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)
	x2[(h + 1):n]<-rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)
	x3[(h + 1):n]<-rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)
	x4[(h + 1):n]<-rnorm(n-h, 100, 10)
	mat <- medmad.cov(cbind(x1, x2, x3, x4))
	print (mat)